Whole school

Pupil Progress Meeting Proforma
An adaptable proforma for Pupil Progress meetings.
Class teachers use the same document over three terms to add in their data, making the document cumulative over the course of the year.

Two Staff Meetings - SEND in the wider curriculum and EEF ‘Special Educational Needs in Mainstream'
A fully adaptable resource for use in a Staff Meeting.
Teachers can use the slides to evaluate how the subject that they lead caters to the needs of those with SEND. They can also consider how the EEF document ‘Special Educational Needs in Mainstream Schools’ impacts their subject.

Whole School Writing Moderation Staff Meeting
This pack can be used to moderate whole school writing.
It includes:
an adaptable PowerPoint to explain how to use the tick lists
adaptable tick lists for Years 1, 3, 4, 5 in the style and format of the Year 2 and Year 6 Assessment Frameworks
cover sheets for each assessment

SEN monitoring form
A full comprehensive SEN monitoring form that encompasses:
class profile
classroom environment
teaching and learning
class teacher discussion
external professionals
pupil books
pupil voice
Developed by an experienced SENCO

Staff Meeting - SEND Code of Practice
A staff meeting for SENCOs to introduce the Code of Practice to staff.

Whole School Marking and Presentation Guide
An adaptable whole school marking and presentation guide for Literacy/Topic and Maths

Attendance Improvement Action Plan and Resources
Action plan
Letters to send to parents/carers
Processes and systems

Staff Meeting - Bloom's Questioning
An adaptable and editable staff meeting PowerPoint on Bloom’s Questioning.

Questioning/Engaging Learners Staff Mtg
A PowerPoint to use, with referencing, to outline teachers with the dangers of allowing learners to be passive in lessons as well as providing teachers with strategies on how to make better use of questioning and engaging learners.